“It’s easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.”
Frederick Douglass
Workshop Recordings Price: USD 320
Purchase with Special Discount till 31/08/21 USD 245

We live in a world that pushes children into highly extreme challenges and situations from a very young age, forcing them to adapt without giving them the time to develop their inner and emotional world. This generates a chasm between their everyday demands and their developing emotional world.
And we can notice this chasm in many aspects of children’s lives – in their behavior, in their ability to relate with other kids, and above all, in an educational setting, where many cases present themselves in the form of shortcomings, poor development, and behavioral problems. These children are qualified as ‘problem children’ or children with hyperactivity, concentration, or other kinds of issues.
In reality, however, these reactions and behaviors are their instinctive reaction to a lack of an emotional development that lets them respond to their practical and emotional demands.
This training program for NLP Practitioners (minimum requirement) is based on the need of children and teenagers to acquire tools that will let them close or reduce the chasm that was mentioned earlier, thereby developing innate skills, expressing creativity and leveraging full potential.
The program, adapted to children and teenagers, offers a therapeutic working structure that uses as a basis the emotional maturity that the child or teenager has when starting the therapy, providing them with practical tools that adapt to their everyday routines.
Workshop Aims and Objectives
This NLP Workshop sets as its goals the development of participants’ abilities in the following:
– To establish well-formed outcomes with young clients.
– To focus and map difficulties in children and youth.
– To create rapport.
– To communicate the experience of NLP and guided imagery to the behavioral level.
– To adapt a structured guidance method to a series of meetings according to a young client’s preferences and needs.

Workshop Recordings Price: USD 320
Purchase with Special Discount till 31/08/21 USD 245
Workshop Contents
In this NLP Kids and Teens workshop, the NLP principles and techniques have been adapted to make them accessible for young clients. This workshop offers practical methods to provide young clients with tools to be able to take responsibility for their emotional world and perform changes that can be translated into their day-to-day behaviors. Basically, the workshop, is built in layers, where each layer supports the ones that come after:
Gathering information – Goals Setting
Children and teenagers arrive at this type of therapy with emotional distress in the form of fears, anxiety, stress, traumas, and others; or with practical problems, such as aggressive behavior, lack of concentration, hyperactivity, insomnia, enuresis, stuttering, social issues, and others.
In most cases, these distresses or problems are a world in the mind of children and teenagers, and this means that the first step that is required is to delimit the challenge and, even more so, to translate this challenge into the skills and internal abilities that must be strengthened, subjectively quantifying them, and thereby reducing the uncertainty of the child or teenager in the face of the challenge that they are experiencing.
This basic and essential layer defines the very specific issue on which the young client wants to focus, delimiting their challenge in a specific space and time frame, and focusing attention on the difference between the present state and the desired state, thus allowing clear coordination in the process between young clients and the Practitioner.
Creation of an Imaginative World – Using Simbols, Methaphors and Archetypes
One of the central goals of the method offered by this course is to provide young clients with tools that in the present time allow them to overcome a specific challenge and that can be added to their own toolbox for future challenges. To embed and personalize these tools, the course method first leads young clients to create a metaphor for their own inner world and afterwards to experience inside transformative NLP tools adapted for children and teenagers.
All children and teenagers have their own preferences and tastes. Throughout the years, while putting this structure into practice, it became very clear to me
that children and teenagers who ground themselves on subjects and metaphors in their imagination – which they generate based on their preferences and tastes – are more motivated throughout the change process and attain their goals faster.
In therapeutic terms, the generation of a metaphor based on the children’s or teenagers’ preferences leads them to give a shape and color to their own emotional world, generating a working environment that allows for the legitimation of different emotions, as well as to take an active role in their transformation as a basis for the desired change.
Creativity Development
This NLP Kids and Teens workshop not only offers a method with internal logic based on NLP techniques, but it also encourages participants to develop their creativity by creating and adapting metaphorical scenarios to young clients’ preferences.
Workshop Agenda
Session 1
- Gathering Information tools
- Introducing movement to NLP tools.
- Dancing S.C.O.R.E.
- Dancing S.C.O.R.E.practice
Session 2
- Kids and teens work
- Kids and teens expextation coordinations.
- Gathering information tools with kids and teens
- Dancing S.C.O.R.E. adapted for kids and teens practice
Session 3
- Emotions, Symbols and Archetypes in transformative work
- Dance with the Dragon
- Dance with the Dragon practice
Session 4
- Kids Workspace, Imagination World and Archetypes
- Archetypes for kids and teens
- Kids Workspace, Imagination World and Archetypes practice
About Judith DeLozier

A co-author of Neuro-Linguistic
Programming Vol. I (1980), with Robert Dilts, John Grinder and Richard
Bandler, Judith was involved in the creation of the fundamental NLP technique
of Reframing. A student of Milton Erickson, Judith modeled his tracking
strategy for creating and utilizing trance states and metaphors. This work is
described in Patterns of the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson,
M.D. Vol. II (1976), which she co-authored with John Grinder and
Richard Bandler.
In the book Turtles All the Way Down: Prerequisites to Personal Genius (1987), which she co-authored with John Grinder, Judith explored the interrelationships between NLP and the threads of culture, community, art, aesthetics and epistemology.
The result of this work was the creation of NLP New Coding, which
stimulated a movement toward a more systemic and relational approach to NLP,
and a resurgence of interest in the work of Gregory Bateson. In addition to the
development of Perceptual Positions, which have become one of the fundamental
distinctions of NLP, Judith’s contributions to NLP New Coding include Attention
Training and the relationship between conscious and unconscious processes.
Judith has been primarily responsible for bringing NLP to the area of transcultural competence, pioneering the application of NLP to the development of cross-cultural skills. Judith’s background in ballet and Congolese dance has lead her to promote the use of dance and movement as a primary tool of NLP. One result of this was the development of the Dancing S.C.O.R.E. technique. Another manifestation is the creation with Robert Dilts of the processes of Somatic Syntax.
Judith holds a master’s degree (MA) in Religious Studies, and a bachelor’s degree (BA) in Anthropology and Religious Studies from the University of California at Santa Cruz, where she
met Grinder and Bandler. She has taught NLP all over the world, including
Europe, Asia, Indonesia, Australia, Mexico, Central America, Canada, and the United
States, and was president of Grinder, DeLozier, and Associates,
and DeLozier and Associates for approximately 14 years. She is
presently an associate of NLP University with Robert Dilts.
Judith is a co-developer of a number of projects applying Systemic NLP, ranging from modeling leadership, to health care and cross-cultural competence. She is a co-author, with Robert Dilts and Todd Epstein, of The Encyclopedia of Systemic NLP (1999).
Some of her other written works include contributions to Leaves Before
the Wind (1989) and Map and Territory (1997),
co-authored with Robert Dilts.
About Dov Roitman
Dov has a B.A. in Social Sciences, and he is an NLP Trainer. He has Specialized in Modeling with Robert Dilts and Judith Delozier at the University of California, and has then given NLP Practitioner and Master courses at Bar Ilan University, Israel, for 5 years.
Following his specialization in Modeling, Dov started implementing NLP modeling on kids and teenagers in his private clinic, and as a result of this practical experience, he developed a unique NLP therapy system designed for kids and teens. Based on his unique approach, , Dov founded his own NLP training courses which have been successfully running for the last 12 years.
In his book, 66 NLP Activities for Kids and Teens (2019), Dov presents NLP activities and tools accommodated to work with kids and teens facing challenges like fears, physiological, social and emotional issues, ADHD, self-esteem and so on.
Throughout these years, Dov felt the need has arisen and grown more and more urgent for clearer practical tools specifically designed for children and teens. It could also be that because of his personal need to heal his inner child, Dov started adapting NLP and guided-imagination techniques to children and teens’ world.
In order to offer his contribution to the populations who need it the most , for the last 10 years, Dov has been leading community projects in cooperation with non-profit organizations dealing with weaker populations. Course participants and graduates have been implementing the learned materials with ongoing support and guidance offered by Dov and his staff.
It’s Dov’s dream to offer his unique kids and teen program to anyone trained in NLP who wishes to help children and teenagers acquire tools that will allow them to manage their emotional world and fulfill their potential.

Workshop Price: USD 320
Purchase with Special Discount till 31/08/21 USD 245
For any questions, please contact us: dovroit@gmail.com